Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's a weird spelling--I get it.

The second day of filming, 3/28/09, began bright and early at 6 am in the Everett Cattell Library.  Set up took about an hour, and the talent arrived around 7 to rehearse and get sound levels for the librarian scene.

Due to unexpected family complications, Ashley White was unable to appear in the rest of the film, so the role of the librarian and all subsequent female roles (other than Joann--the redemptive mother at the campsite) went to B. Ruth Hitchcock (who was also a consideration for the role of Val early in the planning process).

We filmed solely cover shots for the scene, avoiding a master shot because of the awkwardness of the counter and the position of the lights. 

Though the shoot took place so early in the morning, most of the cast and crew were amicable and motivated to start fresh.  Chris and Nate set up the lights, while Connie and Deshanna ran back and forth from founders to make coffee, tea, or hot chocolate for those who wanted it. 

Monica was there ready with her camera to take more stills, and Danyella took over on time logs since Brittney was unable to join us.  Taylor and Tristan were there for set up, acting as stand-ins and watching the script. 

We tried a few different things, like having a POV shot from Ruthie's angle, a CU of her hands clacking on the computer, and a side angle--but all were relatively unsuccessful.  In the end, we used the more traditional angles, but I think it added credibility to the ridiculousness of dialogue. 

We moved upstairs to film the QS sequence, framing a beautiful dolly shot of Val walking through the aisles of books--using a library cart with encyclopedias underneath to steady it.  After an audio run, we packed up and moved back to the 3rd floor of founders.

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