Thursday, April 23, 2009

dolly shot #324

dolly shot #324, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

we loved having the dolly.

toasting marshmallows

toasting marshmallows, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

trying to stay warm

trying to stay warm, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

the long shot

the family shot, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

sam and nate

sam and nate, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

by the crackling fire

the approach

the approach, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

the campsite next to mine

the campsite next to mine, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

val in her lean-to

val's not happy!, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

starting to gather around the fire

is it warm yet?, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

the brothers

the brothers, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

working out the family shot

working out the family shot, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

tristan and danyella

tristan and danyella, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

making a fire

making a fire, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

the impossible fire

the impossible fire, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

after many tries--they finally got it started.

connie, melanee, and ruthie


danyella, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

bundled up nicely for the long day

studying his lines while i attempt to focus the camera

asking nate's advice

asking nate's advice, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

one of the many times I needed assistance.

Bright Colors

beginning of the campfire, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

The tent in the smoke of the new fire.

I Decided to Go Camping

After early afternoon dailies, the crew met outside founders for our expedition over to the Bodenschatz's (friends of Andrew Rudd) who so kindly volunteered their backyard as a filming location.  Additions to the crew included Melanee Hamiliton (who had baked cookies and provided great craft services but was unable to attend the previous two shoots), Sam Tonelli (Daynella's younger brother who would appear as a member of the family at the campsite), and Tammie McKenzie--an invaluable asset to the entire film. 

All of us were on edge as we prepared to leave, because it had been pouring rain and was expected to snow.  I was hesitant to postpone filming for another day because of the impossible feat of trying to once again make everyone's schedules coincide--and I especially didn't want to impose on the Bodenschatz's more than we already were.  So I denied the rain and made everyone pack up anyway. 

Miraculously, as soon as we unloaded into the backyard, the sun came streaming through the clouds.  Unfortunately, the weather couldn't stay beautiful forever--but the rain did hold off (even though it was still ridiculously cold) long enough for us to finish our four-hour shoot.

We got some great montage footage while the crew set up the tent and made the campfire, and then we moved right along to the scenes between Val and the family.

This was the real challenge for me, because Nate made a cameo as the older brother, Ryan, which meant that it was my responsibility to man the camera--for the entire sequence!  It was a little nerve-wracking, and I kept having to call Nate over to fix the focus or framing problems. 

I felt frazzled and panicked through most of the day--only because I hadn't completed storyboards and I was constantly pleading with the weather.  In the end, though, I think it was a really successful--and short!--day of shooting. 

And it was even more fun because most of their screen time is all improv--I didn't actually write dialogue for the characters during their getting-to-know-each-other montage, and the stuff they came up with was hilarious!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Trailer

Definition Trailer from Alyssa Pearson on Vimeo.

figuring out the shot

figuring out the shot, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

talking again.

giving direction, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

The friendly couple

The friendly couple, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

on a blustery day.

Directing Ruthie the Receptionist

Reviewing lines.

sunlight streams through the proudly decorated camp office

The wonderful mise-en-scene.


what??, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

setting up the lighting for the reception area.

we do what we can

we do what we can, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Creative problem solving.

suities at the shoot

suities at the shoot, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Some of my wonderful production assistants.

nate, chris, and aaron setting up the two-shot

boom in the shot!


shit!, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Ridiculously angry!

hoping the crew wasn't THAT bored...

During break time, waiting for pizza.


bill with his asshole mug, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Aaron was just as happy about his character's possession as I was.

my favorite find

my favorite find, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Bill's coffee mug was my favorite.

directorial nonsense

directorial nonsense, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

thinking about how to fix the master shot problem.

envision this!

envision this!, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Trying to get the perfect shot of Bill.

ruthie's intrigued

ruthie's intrigued, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Curious Aaron

curious aaron, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Arron looks on as we practice the shot.

The Director

harsh lighting, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Harsh lighting and long hours still can't keep us down.


review, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Telling Aaron exactly what's happening.

Whole Crew

whole crew, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

A crowded hallway patiently awaiting our set up.

Our Dynamic Shot

to see, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

We took pride in all the dynamic shots we planned--this one was a personal favorite.

extras on the set

extras on the set, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Liz and Deshanna wait (with Ruthie in the background) for their movie debut!

Day 2: The Library, Office, and Reception Desk

A massive crew migrated over to Founders, carrying lights and dolly equipment and food and costumes and props.  We met our executive producer, Andrew Rudd, in the hallway, as he offered encouragement,  (and also dropped off Aaron's costume for the work sequence).

We spent a fun-filled four-ish hours filming the work scene--the dynamic dolly shot including extras Deshanna and Liz, and then another entrance for co-worker Ruthie, the master shot (which we didn't end up using because it was inconsistent with the 180 degree plane rule), the two cover shots, and then the special focus shot.  I think Aaron loved acting that scene with the gun over and over.

Once we wrapped, it was obvious that we were all exhausted from the extra early start and long morning.  We took about an hour break for pizza and fellowship, before moving on to the campsite reception desk between Ruthie and Meredith.

The reception area was probably my favorite set--and the one we spent the most time on.  It was full of idiosyncratic gadgets and figurines and collectibles from my house, smelled like the delicious apple pie candles my mom makes, and was a surprisingly perfect location--considering it used to be the faculty office of Dr. Phinney.

Since we didn't need sound for all of the shots, we wrapped the scene relatively quickly and then decided to try and think of an outdoor location while we still had a few hours to spare.  Aaron suggested his church, so most of us packed up and went for a road trip.  It was windy and cold, but we set up the shot anyway.  When we did dailies later that night, however, we realized that it didn't look as rustic as we would like, so we scrapped the footage.

For such a long day of filming, it was incredibly positive and productive and tons of fun.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

the cast and crew

the cast and crew, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

The scope of those present.

The Circulation Desk

high angle 2, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Some of the crew


time from danyella, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Danyella fills out the log sheets.


monica, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

One of the only pictures we have of Monica--the photographer...

Director of Photography and Director

DP and D, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Nate and Alyssa on the set.

the crew

they're tired, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

bright and early on a saturday morning.

crowded and bright

crowded and bright, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Meredith, Alyssa, Chris, and Ruthie at the check out desk.

On the Stairs

"it's early", originally uploaded by aussie259772.

Chris and Nate waiting for talent to arrive.

It's a weird spelling--I get it.

The second day of filming, 3/28/09, began bright and early at 6 am in the Everett Cattell Library.  Set up took about an hour, and the talent arrived around 7 to rehearse and get sound levels for the librarian scene.

Due to unexpected family complications, Ashley White was unable to appear in the rest of the film, so the role of the librarian and all subsequent female roles (other than Joann--the redemptive mother at the campsite) went to B. Ruth Hitchcock (who was also a consideration for the role of Val early in the planning process).

We filmed solely cover shots for the scene, avoiding a master shot because of the awkwardness of the counter and the position of the lights. 

Though the shoot took place so early in the morning, most of the cast and crew were amicable and motivated to start fresh.  Chris and Nate set up the lights, while Connie and Deshanna ran back and forth from founders to make coffee, tea, or hot chocolate for those who wanted it. 

Monica was there ready with her camera to take more stills, and Danyella took over on time logs since Brittney was unable to join us.  Taylor and Tristan were there for set up, acting as stand-ins and watching the script. 

We tried a few different things, like having a POV shot from Ruthie's angle, a CU of her hands clacking on the computer, and a side angle--but all were relatively unsuccessful.  In the end, we used the more traditional angles, but I think it added credibility to the ridiculousness of dialogue. 

We moved upstairs to film the QS sequence, framing a beautiful dolly shot of Val walking through the aisles of books--using a library cart with encyclopedias underneath to steady it.  After an audio run, we packed up and moved back to the 3rd floor of founders.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Down the Hall

down the hall 2, originally uploaded by aussie259772.

setting up ideas for the office scene.